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In addition to licensed modules, there are free installation modules which provide system management functions.

Products Family

Administration Module
The users and database management module manages the administrative routines. Configures the search terms and stock fields to be viewed by the Public. In the ISIS/Access version, it further allows to configure the database backup copies routine.
Main Feature:

  • Access permission detailed list.

Statistics Module
This module enables the production of listing and counting of the actions performed by the functional modules. It’s possible to know how many catalogues have been performed, in a given period, by a given user, or to obtain a list of the documents away from the library in December 31st, e.g.
Main Feature:

  • Top lists (of readers and documents).

Information Diffusion Module
The alert management configures the type and quantity of interest points. The end-user himself configures his points of interest in PACWEB. Communication is made by e-mail.
Main Feature:

  • Configuration of the diffusion frequency.

Online updates
The system’s update management module is available online. Thus, the compatibility with Microsoft family systems is kept, as well as a quick and timely bugs correction. The system can be updated with a minimum effort from the system manager.
Main Feature:

  • Automatic notification in the module’s access.

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